Shoulder Instability National Cohort
Shoulder instability can be difficult to treat and that is mostly due to limited evidence that is based on heterogenic outcomes in heterogenic patient groups. To tackle this problem, we need to come to a consensus regarding which outcome measures to use and provide high-quality data. To achieve this goal, the Shoulder Instability National Cohort (SINC) project has been started. The project plans to collaborate with specialists that are part of shoulder instability treatment and patients. Through this collaboration we aim to (1) improve the selection for optimal treatment based on high-quality data and homogenous outcome measures that have been chosen through a collaboration between healthcare providers and patients, (2) determine the cost-effectiveness of these treatment options based on the homogenous outcomes, (3) use the cohort as a tool to set up new studies and design prediction models and (4) give all participating healthcare providers access to the data to facilitate collaborations and transparant and reliable data.